I wish it would be that easy. do you know how many freaking John Marrs there ARE from Ireland? Billions. I just want to find out when he emigrated.
John Marr was born about 1812 and left Ireland for America sometime before 1832. John Marr was 20 years old in 1832 and was busy getting married in February of that year, so I assume he immigrated at least before New Year's (and knowing the rep of fiery Irish passions I did check for a a shotgun wedding. Luckily we are safe from scandal in that department).
1830 Census records show a John Marr in Baltimore and one in Charles with 5 people under their roofs. Probably not my John Marrs. There are plenty of other John Marrs (22!?!?!?!) throughout the growing country. This is going to take a lot of digging and a boatload of luck.
John Marr-crossing my fingers for this dude
The super-awesome Hagerstown, MD library historian suggested that I look for John Marr in Philadelphia Passenger lists. I just assumed that there was a good chance that if you immigrated to Maryland your port of entry would be Baltimore.
I have a bee in my bonnet that he immigrated between the ages of 16 and 18. Maybe I dreamed about that. Dreams are a TOTALLY VALID form of research. Or maybe I read that in the Beckwith book.
Family Search has a passenger list from Philadelphia in 1828 that started me cheering

"Smuggled himself on board"?!?!
Please let this be my John Marr. And let me figure out how in the heck to prove it.
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